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Walking To Conquer Cancer

A walk to raise awareness on early cancer detection and care took place in Douala over the week-end.

Several people on November 7, 2015, participated in a two-hour walk in Cameroon’s main port city, Douala, with the departure and finishing points being the Bonanjo Post Office. The fourth edition of the exercise organized by the Michael & Mauritia Patcha Foundation was to disseminate preventive and healthcare information such as early diagnosis and treatment of cancer with focus on breast and prostate cancer in women and men.

The public was advised to conduct a Breast Self-Exam, BSE, monthly for those 18 years old; a yearly mammogram from 40 years, regular pap smears and cervical exams from age 21, as well as talk with a medical doctor. Cancerologist, Gordon Tachang, said BSE in women involves self-examination of breasts for lumps or thickenings with the hands as well as looking in a mirror for changes in shape, size or skin texture of breasts.

For men, the Prostate Self-Exam, PSE, which involves gliding fingers over soapy skin of the testes, is recommended. Symptoms in both cases include a lump, pain, swelling, enlargement of testicle or significant loss of testicle size, etc.

Jacquie Patcha, the Country Director of Michael & Mauritia Patcha Foundation, encouraged the public to immediately visit healthcare professionals for accurate diagnoses. She recommended preventive measures like regular physical exercise and the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

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