It was a year of surprises, some, if not most of them unpleasant.
In Cameroon, the political scenario was apparently serene compared to the early years of democratization when aggressive politicking was order of the day. Today the political maturity of citizens makes the difference. The declining number of strikes and grievances in the universities also contributed to this serenity of the year 2015. But the upsurge of the Boko Haram insurgency almost eclipsed what could be considered positive in the year 2015.
For, with the Boko Haram atrocities in neighbouring Nigeria and the Chad, the refugees that streamed into the country, were many and unexpected. Consequently, Cameroon faced the challenge of not only combating the extremist aggressors, but also the difficult task of hosting and caring for displaced persons arriving from Nigeria to swell up those that had already streamed in from the Central African Republic.
No matter the difficulties faced, the government had to accept the desperate people in search of shelter and security. Elsewhere, the Syrian war, the migrant Crisis in Europe the FIFA, scandal and senseless killings in France and USA almost made 2015 a year of misdeeds.
The main cause for concern during the year, in Cameroon, during the year, however, was not only the ever rising number of refugees from Nigeria, the Central African Republic and other neighbouring countries, but also the ever mounting atrocities of Boko Haram insurgents whose deadly acts included suicide bombings. With this asymmetric move in which innocent compatriots in market places, mosques, and popular spots lost their lives, would any right-thinking person believe that the master-minds of the sadistic sect are truly religious activists? Are they God fearing?
In Cameroon, if ever a silver lining could be identified in the Boko Haram cloud, it would be nothing other than the degree of solidarity friendly countries like United States, Britain, France and China to mention these few, demonstrated in their cooperation to combat the aggressors.
Besides, the concern for national security and the challenge to off-root Boko Haram was demonstrated by associations, churches, individual citizens and even institutions of learning. Those who could not afford support in cash or kind prayed that the Almighty Creator of mankind should alter the trend. Fortunately within the year, joint action against the terrorists continued with positive results.
While the rest of the unpleasant surprises of the year included the persistent problems of FIFA and FECAFOOT with their negative effects on our football, the others, included the alarming rate of automobile accidents on our roads. Most of these accidents were attributed to reckless driving; the poor nature of our roads, but change for the better is possible if we love our country.
This Patriotism demands honest and committed services without which we cannot emerge as a developed nation. For instance, when we size up what citizens do in the execution of tasks aimed at having good roads, and energy that is reliable, one is bound to wonder whether citizens are committed to their developmental needs. Are we really working for meaningful change by the year 2035? Time flies but challenges persist.
We can pride ourselves of, the new dams, and other energy infrastructure government is putting in place to ensure the availability of energy, but these can be relegated to window dressing if we do not manage well the resources that render these structures viable, assets of development.
Considering that environmental protection is a task for all, Summits and such as the one held in Paris during the year and important decisions taken in the interest of victims of global warming should be given the attention deserved. With such concern and commitment by nations, the decisions taken at the Paris Summit on Climate Change could be considered one of the pleasant surprises of the year, 2015.
Cameroon, like other victims of industrial pollution, should during the new year make good use of the assistance given to, ensure that we protect our forests, rivers and lakes. We should continue planting more trees during the new year instead of destroying our forests.
The disposal of refuse in our towns, our drainage systems and education of citizens against the burning of bushes should be such that our efforts against climate change can be seen and felt at all levels. We should decry terrorism in word and action, cooperate and commit ourselves to all, that which results in pleasant surprises.
The new year 2016 should challenge us toward working hard to see that by the time it ends, we should see more of pleasant than unpleasant surprises. Our concern for victory in football competitions during the New Year should be seen from the way we work hard not only to see that our stadia, are fit for international competitions, but also that our FECAFOOT is rendered a competent and effective association that coordinates for positive results. The challenges from the past year are many, but we can forge ahead with good hope.
As we look forward to the challenges of the New Year 2016 with a national budget of FCFA, 4.234.7 billion, let us aim at working hard to function effectively and invest wisely, so that there shall be more to rejoice about than regret at the end of 2016.