The five-year pilot programme was launched on January 19, 2016 in Yaounde by the Prime Minister, Philemon Yang.
The teaching and learning of Mathematics in Secondary schools in Cameroon will henceforth take a different dimension following the signing of a partnership agreement between the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in collaboration with MasterCard Foundation and the Ministry of Higher Education on the one hand and the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Minister of Secondary Education on the other. It paves the way for a five-year pilot programme to see the light of the day. The main objective of the programme launched yesterday January 19, 2016, at the Amphi Theatre of the Higher Teachers’ Training College (ENS) Yaounde by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Philemon Yang, is to improve the quality of teaching and learning of Mathematics in Cameroonian secondary schools.
The AIMS MasterCard Foundation Mathematics Teacher Training Programme (TTP) envisages the training of 1, 900 in-service teachers, 1, 200 pre-service mathematics teachers and 50 trainers of trainers with an expected student outreach of 1.7 million across the ten regions of the country. Apart from enhancing the quality of pedagogy of Mathematics teachers, the programme seeks to step up the interest for Mathematics by secondary school students who consequently would consider pursuing careers in Mathematical Sciences. Ministers Jacques Fame Ndongo of Higher Education, Jean Ernest Ngalle Bibehe Massena of Secondary Education and the President, Chief Executive Officer of AIMS, Thierry Zomahoun appended signatures on the documents with a common goal of promoting and enhancing the teaching and learning of the subject described as a backbone to economic growth and national development.
The major components of the programme include enhancing pedagogic competences of all Mathematics lecturers in Higher Teachers Training Colleges of Maroua, Yaounde, Bambili and the HTTTC Kumba. The programme will also ensure an updated, innovative, gender sensitive and relevant curriculum development while creating a community of practice for maths teachers across the country amongst others. The expected outcome of the programme is to increase the transition rates between educational levels in sciences and mathematics especially for girls.