Leaders of 69 unions from all over the country held a rally in Yaounde on February 19, 2016.
In gratitude to President Paul Biya for increasing monthly family allowance for children of State workers from 1,800 FCFA to 2,800 FCFA and reducing the pump prices of petroleum products, about 2,000 truck drivers, truck owners and commercial motor-bike riders recently organised a rally in Yaounde. The gathering, which held at the Mvan Truck Park near ‘Deuxieme exchangeur’ on Friday, February 19, 2016, was attended by 69 transport union leaders from all over the country.
Rising from the meeting, road transport stakeholders also expressed appreciation to the Head of State and the government for reducing the cost of some transport taxes and setting up a national committee and special task forces to combat illegal transport. The transport employers and employees felicitated government for setting up a national committee to follow-up road accident victims and allocating 100 Billion FCFA for the rehabilitation of some roads.
Other government measures highlighted for commendation were the ongoing rehabilitation of the Douala International Airport and rail lines, the modernisation of Camair-Co and the construction of a second bridge on River Wouri in Douala. However, the transport union members condemned the promotion of illegal transport activities by some personalities, the increasing number of officers manning checkpoints on major highways and the attempt to evict drivers from the Bepanda, Douala Truck Park.
Speaking at the gathering, Nyemeck Pierre, President of the “Association des acteurs de transports pour la paix et le development,” ATRAPAD, paid tribute to soldiers who lost their lives in the defence of the nation in the war against Boko Haram and innocent civilian victims of the conflict. While lauding the role of road transport in driving the economies of the sub-region, Nyemeck restated the strategic place of Cameroonian transport workers in the process.
According to him, it was time transport union leaders were dissociated from those notorious for fomenting trouble, adding that their role is to complain and congratulate when necessary. “By accepting to reduce fuel pump prices and increasing family allowance, the Head of State has once more proven that he listens to the people,” the union leader concluded.