



Dossier de la Rédaction


Women’s, Children’s Parliaments Needed

A book on the subject was launched in Yaounde on February 25, 2016.

Another new book has hit the newsstands in the country. The book entitled, “Women’s and Children’s Chambers of Parliament,” was launched in Yaounde on Thursday, February 25, 2016.

Speaking at the event, the author, Unity Elias Yang, said the book proposes that women and children be listened to. He said the idea of having women’s and children’s chambers of parliament can be an opportunity for them to express themselves better. The author said he was inspired to write the book after listening to a radio programme in which a lady talked about the hardship women and children go through when there is water shortage.   

According to the author, the traditional society sees this as soft, but he does not see it that way. He explained that women’s problems are serious, yet they are not in control of the tools required to resolve them. It is important that people understand and accept the fact that no one else can solve a problem better than the person who is suffering from it. On the other hand, children are either ignored or treated like objects. Their rights are rarely respected or recognised and they are not adequately protected against the harsh conditions of life.

Children’s problems are not taken seriously by adults who think they need only the basics of life and not the best. Creating separate chambers for women and children in Parliament will provide an opportunity for specific problems of the two vulnerable groups to be brought to light at the highest level of society. “After all, it is said that a problem exposed is half solved,” Unity Elias Yang said.

The book launch was equally an occasion to showcase more books by the author such as “Your Baby’s Long Journey to School,” “Little Anita Visits The Bank,” “Last Great Queen: Elizabeth II, Mother of Leadership, Seen From The Crowd,” and “The Third World: Where Is It?”, among others. Born on May 20, 1974 in Oku, Bui Division of the North West Region, Unity Elias is the first African member of the Board of the Organisation, Vote World Parliament, VWP, in Quebec Canada.

He is currently reading an MA Degree in the University of Yaounde II and holds an Associate Degree in Peace and Humanitarian Relief. He also holds a diploma from the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) Yaounde. “Women’s and Children’s Chambers of Parliament” has 129 pages and is sold at FCFA 10,000. It is published in English and French and it is interesting to read.

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