A three-day international forum of Supreme State Control Institutions in Africa ended in Yaounde over the weekend.
Participants from Supreme State Control departments of fifteen African countries, internal auditors of public administration and civil society took part in the International Forum on “The Prevention of Embezzlement of public funds: New challenges of Supreme State Control Institutions”, have ended deliberations with far reaching resolutions aimed at stemming the phenomenon in Africa. For three-days, participants of the forum organized by the Supreme State Audit Office in partnership with the African Centre for Training and Administrative Research for Development (CAFRAD) and the United States Embassy in Younde, examined ways to prevent misappropriation of public funds.
Closing the forum, the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of the Supreme State Audit Office, Rose Acha Fomundam, urged the international community to implement the recommendations of the Yaounde forum. Some of the recommendations adopted included the necessity to integrate preventive mechanisms as a core value in the control as well as upgrade skills of auditors in the new preventive methods, the need for the involvement of civil society in the prevention of embezzlement by developing a culture of denouncing embezzlement of public funds amongst others. Mrs Rose Acha Fomundam stated that the Supreme State Audit Office has previously carried out prevention activities within Cameroon and pledged to evaluate methods of the prevention component.