The National Human Rights Commission organised a two-day seminar for stakeholders in Mbalmayo from 9 to 10 March, 2016.
Officials from the ministries in charge of Basic Education, Secondary Education as well as representatives of international organisations participated in a two-day brainstorming seminar from 9 to 10 March, 2016 in Mbalmayo, Nyong and So’o Division of the Centre Region, to chart strategies for the generalisation of the teaching of human rights in primary and secondary schools in Cameroon. The workshop was organised by the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF).
In a keynote address on March 10, 2016, the representative of NCHRF’s Chairman, Mrs Ekoan Mebiame Tangono, told the participants that their recommendations will serve as guides for the drafting of a sustainable national strategy which will provide a favourable framework for the integration of human rights teaching at the national level especially in primary and secondary schools. The participants were reminded that following the United Nations First Decade (1995-2004) for Human Rights Education which encouraged member States to set up national Human Rights Education (HRE) programmes as well as the United Nations Second Decade (2005-2014) for the strengthening of such HRE programmes, the NCHRF by virtue of its mission of human rights promotion, implemented several activities during the said decades. Achievements include the drafting of a National HRE Programme for all levels of learning in Cameroon and a Plan of Action for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Cameroon. More so, a Pedagogic Guide for the Teaching of HRE and two Teachers’ Guides for primary and secondary schools were also drafted. A pilot implementation phase saw the training of teachers and students in 80 pilot schools nationwide. According to Mrs Ekoan Mebiame, an evaluation of the first phase in 2012 revealed impressive results, hence the need to now generalise HRE in all primary and secondary schools in the country.
The ceremony was also an opportunity for the representative of the Minister of Basic Education, Mrs Itoe Mispa Fule, to disclose the path covered by her ministry in integrating HRE into the 2000 Basic Education syllabuses for both English and French sub-systems as well as the introduction of HRE in 50 pilot schools across the country, with five schools per region. “At the moment, the Ministry of Basic Education is in the process of curriculum reforms,” she disclosed, adding that her ministry was looking forward to a continued partnership in the process with the NCHRF.