The spokesperson of the country’s electoral organ said it was a reference in election management.
The visiting delegation of the Central African Republic elections management body (Autorité Nationale des Elections, A.N.E) that has been in Cameroon since Monday July 18, 2016, was yesterday July 20, 2016, at the National Biometric Centre of Elections Cameroon (ELECAM) to gain knowledge on how the computerized data is treated.
After a guided tour to the various units of the national centre, the leader of the delegation, Julius Rufin Ngouade-Baba stated that ELECAM has experience and mastery of electoral process which will greatly inspire them. Their visit to the National Biometric Centre which is the main nucleus of electoral data after a series of working sessions with ELECAM authorities, visits to some ELECAM branches in Yaounde, enabled the visiting delegation to understand the entire electoral process in Cameroon.
The four-day knowledge gathering visit officially ends today with the delegation meeting the Electoral Board Chairman and the Director General of Elections.