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UBa Students Show Gratitude For Presidential Laptops

University of Bamenda students celebrated the special gift of computers to prepare them for the digital economy.

President Paul Biya’s announcement to offer 500.000 laptops to all students of Higher Education has been saluted in the community of the State University of Bamenda as a welcome gesture towards the modernisation of the learning process and an instrument in the training of youths toward the realisation of Vision 2035 projects.

Messages of gratitude, songs and dance summed up the event in the Bambili campus of the University on August 2, 2016 where students showcased Thank-You messages before telling North West Governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique to tell President Biya about their commitment to stand by his Emergence Plan for the youths of Cameroon.

Evidence of their appreciation was on placards, some of which read, “One Student, One  Laptop. It is real. It is a focus on virtual University, a move towards digital economy. A move towards quality higher education. Tools in the formation of youths towards vision 2035. Laptops for portable education. Thank you, Mr President, father of android generation for making our dreams come true”.

Their message of appreciation, presented by a postgraduate student of the History department, Musah Pagbe Christian, encouraged President Biya to continue in his drive to modernise higher education. He revisited the President’s excellence awards to enhance research by students and said the new project to offer laptops will make things to happen with E-learning at the reach of all students.

It was against this backdrop that, North West governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique hailed the students for mobilizing to show the gratitude and said the government will deliver for the advancement of higher education through the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Nkuo Therese Akenji.


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