



Dossier de la Rédaction


Cocoa Marketing: Producers Urged To Join Cooperatives

Cocoa prices rose to FCFA 1,650 per kilogramme this year for a total production of 269,497,766 tons.

Trade Minister, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, has called on farmers and their cooperative unions to constantly improve on the quality of their cocoa produce and keep watch over fraudulent buyers of especially illegal cross-border buyers from neighbouring countries that underpay their produce and make fortune out of their sweat.

Even worse, the Minister regretted, was the phenomenon of declaring wrong exportation figures to evade taxes and so down playing on Cameroon’s international classification among cocoa exporters. The Minister was speaking in Konye, Meme Division of the South West Region, on 3 August, 2016, as he launched the 2016-17 cocoa marketing season. Minister Mbarga Atangana rejoiced that the launching of cocoa seasons since 2006 has catapulted prices from FCFA 640 for a kilogramme of cocoa to FCFA 1,600 this year.

His wish was that the price be profitable to farmers to enable them benefit squarely from their sweat. He explained that this improvement has been thanks to government protection of the sector for the interest of its citizens. Cocoa production stood at 183,297 tons in 2006/07 and climbed to 269,497 tons 10 years after. The target of 600,000 tons in 2020 is still in view but with much hope of attaining because half of the road has been covered, the Minister remarked.

Cameroon in the just ended season exported 239,716,907 tons of cocoa 97 percent of which was grade II to Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Netherlands alone imported 76, 30 percent of Cameroon’s cocoa.

The National Cocoa Board revealed that Cameroon’s local industries processed 29,927,978 kilogrammes of cocoa meanwhile home-based artisans processed some 5,590 Kilogrammes during the just ended season. Farmers through cooperatives negotiated lucrative prices which is why both the Trade Minister and the Minister Delegate in charge of production at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ananga Messina, called on all producers to join cooperatives for protection, bargaining power, assistance and other benefits inherent in unionism. She Cocoa farming in Cameroon employs some six million people and brings income of some FCFA 300 billion yearly she disclosed.

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