



Dossier de la Rédaction



Célérité et transparence

De grands enseignements peuvent parfois être tirés d’événements que l’on pourrait juger anodins. Il en est ainsi de la remise la semaine dernière à Kribi d’une aide financière du chef de l’Etat à des commerçants ayant perdu leurs marchandises dans l’incendie d’un marché.

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Nouvelle donne

Les cinq décrets présidentiels du 15 juin 2010 portant nomination de responsables dans les services centraux du ministère de l’Administration territoriale et de la Décentralisation et dans l’administration régionale et préfectorale méritent une attention particulière.

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We Can

We can. Why not? This is possible, not only in football, but also in other encounters that seem insurmountable, but with determination, and collective efforts the storms are weathered.

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Well – Timed

Secretary General of the United Nations Organisation, His Excellency Ban Ki-moon and his spouse, Mrs. Ban Soon-Taek came, saw, shared, and left satisfied. The brief, but important visit was indeed significant considering what the UNO has meant to Cameroon since 1945 when the mandated territories east and west of the Mungo were renewed and became UN Trusteeships.

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Need For Vigilance

Two individuals, Gaspard Serge Nkoa alias “Excellence” who works in one of the administrative offices in Yaounde and Dagobert Ngando, a businessman based in Loum, Littoral Region were on May 27, 2010 arrested by the police for extracting FCFA 10 million from over 60 desperate parents promising to have their children admitted into the police. The two suspects are now helping the police in investigating the matter.

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